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- Hits: 2019
Beauty Hand Book – Magazine
10 Biggest Skin-Care Mistakes
By Not Following Sound Skin Advice, You Can Do More Harm Than Good.
by Lia Schorr
Beauty Handbook Advisory Board
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- Hits: 1892
The New Better Nutrition – Magazine
How to Pep up Your Skin for Spring
by Lia Schorr
Spring is a favorite time of year for most people because it's sandwiched between winter's drying deep freeze — plus harsh winds — and summer's smothering heat and humidity.
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- Hits: 3748
Les Nouvelles Esthetiques – Magazine
Scalp Analysis and Treatment
by Lia Schorr
Clients often come to me, puzzled about problem skin that doesn't clear up in spite of following a carefully laid out skin-care program and nutritional guidelines.
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- Hits: 1864
by Lia Schorr
especialista en belleza masculina
Una de las formas más seguras de "lograrlo" es haciendo algo que nadie o, por lo menos, que pocas personas hagan...
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- Hits: 2183
Dermascope – Magazine
Plants & Herbs as Skin Treatments
by Lia Schorr
Throughout history, flowers and herbs have been recognized and used for their healing properties. In fact, American Indians used a wide repertoire of wildflowers for treating wounds and skin problems. Plants, like medicines, can be either beneficial or toxic. If used properly, they are perfectly safe.
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- Hits: 2063
Holistic Life – Magazine
Herbal Cosmetics
by Lia Schorr
For me, as a skin care specialist, the healing, soothing and beautifying properties of herbs are an endless source of mystery and fascination. I use herbs in my treatments at my salon in New York: I also counsel clients on home use of the wonderful garden treasures.
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- Hits: 2012
National Beauty School Journal – Magazine
The Facts About Sensitive Skin
by Lia Schorr
Sensitive skin. Everyone has it—at one time or another if not all the time. What I am talking about is skin that reacts—with heightened sensitivity-to the environment, certain foods, consumer products (and that includes skincare preparations), medication, even stress.
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- Hits: 1897
American Hairdresser Salon Owner
Are you using the same range of makeup products on all of your salon clients? This is a mistake, according to makeup/skin care authority Lia Schorr, who emphasizes the importance of custom-selecting the proper col-ors, textures and techniques for a client's age group as well as her skin type, natural coloring and lifestyle.
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- Hits: 1844
Today's Living – Magazine
How to select a Moisturizer
by Lia Schorr
Misconceptions abound about what a moisturizer can do. They're not the miracle workers many people think they are. They cannot undo damage from neglect or overexposure to the sun, nor erase existing lines and wrinkles. Above all, they can't make you younger-looking.
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- Hits: 1932
Slimmer – Magazine
SunTan Savvy
How to Bronze not Burn
by Lia Schorr
TIME. MONEY. ENERGY. GREAT amounts of each are spent in the quest for "timeless" skin. So concerned are we about maintaining a youthful complexion that we try just about anything: lotions, potions, creams, vitamins, diets, facials, et al.